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Article | China's Path into Sustainable Energy


March 23, 2023

01 引言 Introduction

As one of the most massive importers of energy, the second largest economy in the world, and one of the biggest populations in the world, China is the high consumption of fossil fuels in the world. The problem is that while fossil fuel prices are increasing, access to them is even more challenging.



This is a global issue, not only in China. Chinese President Xi Jinping made a surprise pledge at the United Nations in September 2020. "The world’s second-largest economy will reach carbon neutrality by 2060". However, analysts report that China will have to deliver that promise a decade earlier if the world wants to switch to 100 percent renewable energy.



China is already acting to deliver its promise. Working on storage energy, installing infrastructure for renewable energy all around the country, installing solar panels on the roof of buildings, and rising solar farms and renewable energy stations all around China.



China is one of many that take action to switch entirely to sustainable energy. As one of the world's leaders, China recognizes the energy concern that spread, the difficulties countries have to handle, and the prosperity they can reach by taking specific actions. They all march together toward the same trend.



02 全球现状 The World's Situation

Promises by world leaders, global summits, and many conventions concerning this issue are delivered as it is now well understood that the world needs to change its behavior regarding the consumption of fossil fuels and transformation to renewable energy for the sake of the environment and economy of the world.


The world leaders' intention is to be self-dependent regards energy production and, furthermore, to switch entirely or partly to sustainable energy.



If China makes the switch, as the world's most significant consumer of fossil fuels, the rest of the world will follow. Being a pioneer at this sector in China will generate a huge advantage in the future.



03 对中国生态系统的影响 The impact on China's ecosystem

Storage energy can significantly impact the Chinese ecosystem in several ways. First, it can reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels, which can help to lower carbon emissions and improve air quality. Additionally, increased storage capacity can enable more widespread use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, which can help to protect natural resources and reduce the environmental impact of power generation.



The need for fossil fuels suppliers, the high price of generating power on the grid, and the small number of sustainable energy stations to replace fossil fuels impact China's ecosystem. In addition, factories are reporting a shutting down production during rush hours because of the high price of electricity.



Energy security concerns have become one of the Chinese leadership’s top priorities. As a result, China is stepping up oil and gas exploitation to be more self-dependent and rely less and less on fossil fuels.



How does storage energy work? The idea is to generate sustainable energy during all-effective hours, store the excess energy, and use that stored energy in the reset hours of the day. Nowadays, during the pick hours, if the price hits too high, factories shut down their work, and the demand for more power surge the construction of new power station generated on fossil fuels. Storage energy replaces those new power stations and gives a much better solution. That consumes less money, benefits more with the environment, and achieves much more of the government and citizen goals.



Storage energy can also help to improve the reliability and stability of the power grid by providing a source of backup power during outages or periods of high demand. This can help to mitigate the effects of power shortages and blackouts, which can be particularly disruptive for businesses and industries.


However, storage energy also presents its own set of environmental concerns, particularly with regard to the materials used in batteries. The production of lithium-ion batteries, for example, can be resource-intensive and lead to the release of pollutants into the air and water. Additionally, the disposal of used batteries can also pose environmental hazards if not handled properly.


04 总结 Conclusion

Energy concerns are becoming increasingly popular in each country, particularly in China. leaders understand they have to take significant actions.



Many countries searched for natural gas or oil in their field, so they would not have to rely on another country, but they know it is a solution until they can switch to renewable energy. Therefore, this solution only partially solves the concrete problem but will give them enough time to work on a more efficient solution.


The most efficient solution must consider the environmental problem, global warming, electricity demand, and natural resources. Currently, storage energy seems the best candidate to reach this position, but this solution doesn't stand alone. Every country will have to increase the focus and effort on creating renewable energy made from wind, solar, or natural gas (with carbon capture and sequestration) to generate that energy and, in addition, not depend on other countries resources.



The usage of renewable energy will decrease the electricity price. Storage energy will be able to release more power during rush hour without needing to generate more new energy. Furthermore, the production of renewable energy decreases the damage we are doing to our plant and will achieve a better result with more negligible risk.



Overall, the development and implementation of storage energy can have both positive and negative impacts on the Chinese ecosystem. It will be necessary for policymakers and industry leaders to carefully consider these factors as they work to expand the use of this technology.











*This article was written by Amit Inbar, Project Manager at ViaMeshi Association.

本文由中以丝绸之路协会项目经理Amit Inbar提供。

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