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IsCham Supported Suzhou’s Delegation Visit to ISR

May 13, 2023

On May 8th Suzhou government visited Israel, and hosted an event in Hilton Tel Aviv.


The event was opened by the Deputy Mayor of Suzhou Xiangcheng Economic and Technological Development Zone, Sheng Menglong, who presented opportunities for foreign companies in Xiangcheng.


ViaMeshi's GM Tslil Kleiman gave a keynote presenting the recent developments in Israeli innovation and the organization's role in it.


中以丝绸之路协会总经理发表主题演讲 | Keynote by ViaMeshi GM

The keynote was followed by company roadshows, including IsCham's members - Newsight Imagine, Bostel, and Chaban Medical - all presented their technology, aiming to establish business cooperation in the Suzhou Xiangcheng District.

主题演讲之后是企业路演,其中中以商会成员——Newsight Imaging, Bostel和Chaban Medical都向在场观众介绍和展示了它们的技术,希望有机会与苏州相城区建立商业合作。

Newsight Imaging


Chaban Medical