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活动回顾 | 第七届中国云南—以色列创新合作论坛顺利举行

December 13, 2021

Agriculture in Israel is a highly developed industry. Israel is a major exporter of fresh products and a world-leader in agricultural technologies.


The State of Israel is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to contribute to the fight against poverty and global efforts to achieve sustainable development. Some of the most innovative agriculture and  water companies in Israel are successfully operating in China, brining  China into the next generation of smart agriculture.


Yunnan Province is rich in natural resources and water sources and has the largest diversity of plant life in China. In order to develop and take advantage of its natural resources, the Yunnan Government is putting a lot of focus and means into the development of the agriculture sector. Adapting new technologies and innovation is one of the leading  ways the Yunnan government is advancing its agriculture industry into the future.



On December 7th, 2021, The 7th China Yunnan-Israel Innovation Cooperation Forum took place this year in Yunnan & Tel Aviv simultaneously in an impressive cross-border offline and online event. This forum was performed as a result of close cooperation of Yunnan & the Israeli government (via the Chengdu consulate and the Israeli Economic & Trade Mission to Southwest China), the Chamber of Commerce in Israel (FICC), Via Meshi association, China (Yunnan) – Israel Innovation Center and the Israeli Chamber of Commerce in China (IsCham).

2021年12月7日,第七届云南—以色列创新合作论坛在云南和特拉维夫同时举行。是一场线下线上相结合的跨境盛事。本次论坛是云南省和以色列政府(以色列驻成都总领事馆和以色列驻成都总领事馆商务处)、以色列商会(FICC)、Via Meshi协会、国(云南)以色列创新中心和国以色列商会(IsCham)密切合作的结果。

(Speeches from China&Israel | 中以双方致辞)

The event also included 2 sessions of roadshows featuring innovative  Israeli technology, following B2B with Chinese government entities and companies from Yunnan province. Ischam’s members that participated at the event –ICL, Netafim, Bermad, ARI, Agridera and AST.



IsCham is operating all around China in order to promote Israeli businesses and to bridge between Israel the Startup Nation & China.



If you are interested in joining IsCham as a member, please feel free to contact us:
