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Event Review | IsCham Boutique Event: Medical


October 26, 2022


On Octorber 20th, IsCham together with INNONATION Hangzhou, organized this special boutique event. The event was closed, business oriented, mainly focus on B2Bs.
Nowadays, Israel is most recognized for its innovation, especially in medical technologies. IsCham is playing an active role in assisting Israeli med-tech companies arrive to China and connect with the relevant Chinese entities. In recent years, we have seen much potential and opportunities for cooperation between Israeli and Chinese entities.以色列最广为人知的是其创新能力,尤其是医疗科技领域的创新技术。中以商会活跃在中以商圈,帮助许多以色列医疗科技公司进入中国市场,并与相关的中国机构对接。近年来,我们见证了中以双方许多合作共赢的潜力和机遇。


The event started with opening speech from Dr. Iris Kastoriano, the General Manager of IsCham, followed by Rami Horesh, the China CEO of Neurotech Solutions, who shared his expertise on how Israeli med tech companies explore business opportunities in China.活动开始由中国以色列商会总经理Iris Kastoriano博士发表开幕致辞,随后,由瑞络科技开发有限公司中国区首席运营官Rami Horesh先生发言,分享了他对于以色列公司如何在中国开拓市场的见解。
After the opening, five innovative Israeli med tech companies introduced their remarkable technologies and services. IsCham’s members participated at the roadshow:开场结束后,5家优秀的以色列创新医疗科技公司介绍了他们的技术和服务。参与本次活动的商会会员有:



Chaban Group


Neurotech Solutions


Roadshow 路演






IsCham is proud to host a series of Business Boutique events; So far, we have seen many successful B2B outcome of this series of events. IsCham is more than happy to share our wide network of connections with you and to reach more successful cooperation between Israeli and Chinese companies!中以商会很荣幸开展本系列商务精品活动,至今,我们见证多场成功的商务对接会取得成果。中以商会十分乐于共享资源,希望为实现更多中以企业的成果合作贡献力量!

If you are interested in talking to any pitching companies in this event or joining IsCham as a member, please contact: 
