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Event Review | Israeli Medical Projects Roadshow


January 11, 2023

On January 5th, IsCham together with Asia Direct Partners Ltd held a roadshow focusing on innovative Israeli companies from the medical sector. Four Israeli Med-Tech companies introduced their products at this event, looking for potential cooperation opportunities in China.


The event started with the introduction of IsCham from Panbi Liu, IsCham’s Shanghai office manager, followed by Josie Zhou, the Vice President of Asia Direct Partners Ltd, who shared activities related to frontier technologies on a global scale held by the company over the past year, including Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competitions, Medical Innovation Forums etc.


Speech by Panbi | 刘攀碧女士介绍中以商会

The opening session was followed by a roadshow of Israeli Med-Tech companies. IsCham’s members that performed in this roadshow were: Neurotech, HVT (Rambam) and Sabar Health. The companies presented a wide range of medical technologies and services featuring attention assessment system, TAVR equipment and home healthcare.

随后进入以色列医疗技术公司的路演环节。参与本次路演的商会会员公司有:瑞络科技, HVT (Rambam)Sabar Health。路演公司展示了注意力评估系统、经导管主动脉瓣置入术设备和家庭医疗方面的医疗技术与服务。

Neurotech | 瑞络科技

HVT (Rambam)

Sabar Health


IsCham is pleased to host this roadshow, we are more than happy to share our wide network of connections with our members and contribute to the promotion of business cooperation between China and Israel.

If you are interested in talking to any pitching companies in this event or joining IsCham as a member, please contact:
