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Event Review | Medical Market Opportunities

活动回顾| 以色列企业在中国医疗市场如何共赢

May 24, 2022


On May 18th,IsCham, together with ViaMeshi Association, hosted this special webinar.


With China's healthcare industry still being at its early stages of development, it provides vast opportunites for Israeli companies to introduce advanced medical technologies into the Chinese market.


However, how to efficiently seek business opportunities in China's medical market?



The first part of the event was an experts' panel, for Israeli medical companies interested in the Chinese market and its opportunities.


Experts at our panel:  到场专家:

Niv Hanan, Economic Consul at Consulate General of Israel in Shanghai 以色列驻上海总领事馆,华东经济与商务处商务领事,韩宁伟先生

Segev Halfon, CEO, Sinosciences Group
美得万智医疗,首席执行官,Segev Halfon

Moshe Daninos, CSO, Sinosciences Group 美得万智医疗,首席战略官,Moshe Daninos

Yini Li (Lyn), Business development, Hainan Boao Lecheng Sinopharm Group Medicine Co., Ltd 海南博鳌乐城国药控股医药有限公司,业务经理,Yini Li

Sharon Xujie, Deputy Director of International Medical Cooperation,Boao Yiling Life Care Center 博鳌一龄生命养护中心,国际医疗合作副总监,Sharon Xujie

The experts pointed out selected key factors vital for the success of a foreign medical company in China: The importance of IP registration; NMPA approval process; the importance of finding a suitable local partner in order to scale up; identify the market: needs, limitations, competitors; the right business models, and bridge gaps.


The Covid pandemic has caused a boost of new innovative medical products in a short period of time, especially in Israel. As China promotes and welcomes innovation, many medical tech companies from Israel seek their way into China.


The Second part of the event featured a roadshow of Israeli medical companies who are members at IsCham, companies attended are: 活动第二部分:以色列医疗企业路演,参与路演的领先以色列科技公司有:



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IsCham is happy to share our wide network of connections with you and to reach more successful cooperation between Israeli and Chinese companies!


If you are interested in talking to these Israeli companies, please feel free to contact us:
