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How Is China Using Digital Capabilities to Fight Coronavirus?


April 1, 2020

IsCham in collaboration with Derech HaMeshi invite you to join a webinar on “How China leverages digital capabilities to deal with the crisis”.

本次线上研讨会由IsCham和Derech HaMeshi主办,共同探讨如何运用数字信息化处理危机,并以中国为成功案例分析。

In this seminar, the panelists will discuss the new opportunities born as a result of the epidemic outbreak, explore different uses of Chinese digital platforms and tools, and the role it played in China’s recovery from the crisis.



会议时间 Time

2020年 4 月 1 日(周三)北京时间 15:00-16:00

10:00am - 11:00am (Israel Time) April 1st, 2020



主要议题 Topics

China E-commerce -Growth Platforms 中国电子商务——成长平台

China's leading digital tools –Use Cases 中国领先的数字工具——使用案例

Digital culture –Leveraging to Promote Business During the Crisis 数据文化——在危机中利用业务促进

Bloggers and Vloggers in China –Effective utilization 中国的Blogger和Vlogger –效率利用