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Israeli Unicorns Roadshow Event


June 3, 2021

With a population of only 9 million, Israel has around 6,500 startups operating within the country, the largest volume of startups per capita in the world. In the past five years, Israel has shown its tremendous ability to scale up the amount of startups, with substantial investments accelerating the number of unicorns – companies achieving a valuation of more than $1 billion – being produced within the country. 

The term 'unicorn' was coined in 2013 as a way of signifying the rarity of startups hitting astronomical valuations. Currently over 600 unicorns were noted around the world – with an astounding 60 being founded by Israelis, the biggest number of unicorns per capita of any country in the world. Israel's reputation of unicorn companies is growing at a rapid rate and has shown no signs of slowing, even in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In fact, as the health crisis was disrupting business across the world in the first half of 2020, Israel saw 11 new unicorns pop up – almost double the amount of its nearest competitor in the UK, and much more than all of France, Germany and Australia combined.


"独角兽"一词由美国投资人Aileen Lee在2013年提出,旨在强调高估值初创企业的稀缺性。自此,全球共有超过600家独角兽企业,其中60家来自以色列。以色列也被认为是全球人均独角兽企业数量最多的国家。以色列培育独角兽企业的速度一直保持较快水平,即便在疫情期间也未见衰退。


Time: June 3rd at 9 am Israel time ( June 3rd at 2 pm China time)

活动时间:6月3日北京时间14:00 (以色列时间09:00)

Location: ZOOM Online or Building 18, China-Israel Innovation Hub Shanghai (Address: Lane 111, Qilianshan Road CIIH, Putuo District, Shanghai)

活动地点:ZOOM线上会议 或 中以(上海)创新园18号楼(地址:上海市普陀区祁连山路111弄)

Participating Companies: Riskfied, Fyber,  Taboola, ironSource

参会企业:Riskfied, Fyber,  Taboola, ironSource                                                                         
