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News | Jiangsu Branch Office in TLV

商会新闻 | 南京江宁高新区特拉维夫办公室落成

May 16, 2022

With China’s 5 year plan in mind, promotion of innovation and technology will be the most likely focus of Chinese investments in the following years.


In order to further promote the cooperation between Israel and Nanjing Jiangning Hi-Tech Development Zone, A Jiangsu office branch was opened in Tel Aviv. The location of the new TLV office is at FICC building (The Federations of Israeli Chamber of Commerce). Accordingly, a new IsCham office was opened at Nanjing Jiangning Hi-Tech Development Zone. Nanjing Jiangning Hi-Tech Development Zone was established in 1994, part of China's national innovation zone; The focus of Nanjing Jiangning Hi-Tech Development Zone is on Life Science, AI, IT & High-End Equipment Manufacturing industry. The purpose of the new branch offices in Jiangsu and TLV, is to further cooperate with IsCham to enhance innovation cooperation with Israel.


On May 11, the opening ceremony of IsCham Jiangsu Office (Nanjing) and Nanjing Jiangning Hi-Tech Development Zone (Israel) Investment and Talent Promotion Centre was held virtually in Tel Aviv, Shanghai and Nanjing. Israel’s General Consul in Shanghai Mr. Edward Shapira opened the ceremony and gave an inspiring opening speech to support and strengthen the close cooperation and business promotion of Israel and China, by IsCham and the governments of both nations.



Mr. Aijun Wang the Deputy Head of the Government of Jiangning District, Secretary of Jiangning Hi-Tech Zone Management Committee commended the close cooperation between the countries and praised this initiative. IsCham’s Chairman Mr. Yuval Ben Sadeh also applauded this special cooperation and gave a review of successful cooperation activities in recent years.



The new Jiangsu branch in Tel Aviv supported by IsCham and ViaMeshi association will certainly contribute to the introduction of Israeli innovation to China.


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