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June 3, 2022


With China’s 5 year plan in mind, promotion of innovation and technology will be the most likely focus of Chinese investments in the following years.

In recent years, Israel has been mostly known as the “start-up nation”, most recognized for its innovation, also in auto tech. A Mckinsey report on August 2019 stated “Israel is on the road to become a global AutoTech Hub”; consequently, no wonder that many world leading AutoTech companies have opened R&D centers and offices in Israel such as Geely, BMW, Honda, SAIC and many more.



On May 31st, a unique event called “CHINA-ISRAEL AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR was held online, broadcasting from Tel-Aviv, Shanghai, Beijing, Dalian, and the US.


(Opening Speech by Iris, the Trade Director of the Israeli Commercial Consul’s Office in Guangzhou& Mr. Li Hui, Vice GM of Shenyang International Software Park Industrial Service Group | 以色列驻穗总领事馆商务主任高文婷女士,沈阳国际软件园海外人才离岸创新创业基地副总裁李辉先生分别致开幕词)

This special event was organized and hosted by IsCham, ViaMeshi assosiation, and AUTOMOBILITY Shanghai and supported by the Israeli Economic Consul in Guangzhou.


(Keynote Speech by Bill Russo, Founder and CEO of Automobility, the Head of Automotive at AMCHAM SH | Automobility创始人兼首席执行官、上海美国商会汽车委员会主席Bill Russo先生发表主题演讲)

The event began with key figures’ opening words from Iris, the Trade Director of the Israeli Commercial Consul’s Office in Guangzhou & Mr. LI HUI, Vice GM of Shenyang International Software Park Industrial Service Group, Dalian.

The key note speaker BILL RUSSO, founder and CEO of Automobility, and the head of Automotive at AMCHAM Shanghai, gave a fascinating lecture on How China Accelerates The Commercialization Of Smart Mobility.


由Automobility创始人兼首席执行官、上海美国商会汽车委员会主席 Bill Russo先生发表演讲,主题为“中国如何加速智能出行商业化”。 

The second half of the seminar included a roadshow displaying 6 remarkable Israeli companies with the aim of introducing Israel’s innovative Automotive technology to a Chinese Audience. IsCham’s members presented a wide range of technologies that could be used in the automotive field, from Chips to autonomous driving. Featuring – CIPIA, BrightWay Vision, Newsight, Applause, Fortellix and CYMOTIVE.


路演活动中,商会会员广泛介绍了从芯片到自动驾驶等应用于汽车领域的高新技术。路演嘉宾有:CIPIA, BrightWay Vision, Newsight, Applause, Fortellix and CYMOTIVE.

If you are interested in talking to these companies or joining IsCham as a member, please contact:
