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"Back to Work" - IsCham Members Update

February 12, 2020


From this week, companies in China are back to work, though it is recommended by the government that people shall work from home at this stage and those who travelled recently to their working cities are requested to self quarantine for 14 days from their date of arrival. IsCham members in China are encouraged to share with us your “back to work” plan, and we will continue to update on our online platforms.



Back to work since Feb 10th


AST General Manager Mr. Yuval Ben Sadeh (Chairman of IsCham) will fly back to China in order to continue managing the ongoing projects.



NILIT continues production during the vacation and the outbreak of Corona Virus


NILIT ASIA successfully continues production during the Chinese New Year vacation and throughout the outbreak. The company has enlarged and optimized the internal recycling thanks to its Sustainability Business Strategy and a Zero Waste approach which enabled the company to be more independent and rely less on suppliers for raw materials; pallets, packaging materials, and cartons were all recycled and reused. NILIT ASIA had IsCham’s full support during this crisis; IsCham assisted NILIT ASIA locating alternative suppliers that could supply the company with much-needed materials that cannot be recycled to guarantee the stability of production. The company supplies masks and food to the employees and their family members in order to safeguard their safety.



Back to the office on Feb 17th


By Feb 17th, the company will have a comprehensive disinfection, preparing staff's epidemic prevention supplies, and try its best to create a healthy and safe working environment for all employees.

此外,为了缓解疫情对经济的影响,上海市政府出台了一系列措施帮助中小企业渡过难关。商会会员Bonnard Lawson律师事务所对相关政策做了总结,供上海地区会员企业参考。点击阅读,了解详细内容。

In addition, to help ease the economic pain, Bonnard Lawson Law Firm (our member) has summarized the measures adopted by the local government for all our members and active businesses in Shanghai. Click here to learn more.