IsCham and Innonation are leading a campaign to support China and Wuhan with masks and medical equipment from Israel, such as Nylon gloves, aprons and more.

So far several Israeli hospitals and companies already confirmed donations and support. IsCham, Innonation, Netafim and IDC have donated together more than 200,000 masks, including the N95 masks, which are in short supply and high demand in China at the moment and First shipment is already on the way!
目前为止,我们已募集一些以色列医院和公司提供的捐款和医疗物资。考虑到中国目前紧缺N95和医用类口罩,诸如Netafim 和 IDC等商会会员企业参与捐赠相关医疗物资,口罩总数达20万。所有首批支援物资已经在运往中国路途中。

However, As IsCham GM, Ariel Briskin noted:“One of the main challenges these days is to find mask suppliers across the globe to keep up with demand in China. IsCham team is working hard to find those suppliers in Israel and other countries as well.“

Tslil Kleiman, ViaMeshi Manager , IsCham’s strategic partner in Israel, told the media in Israel this morning: “Israel remembers how China helped the Jewish people in times of trouble, now that China is in need, we are doing whatever is in our power to assist and contribute to the people of Wuhan and the people of China.”

IsCham is calling more Israeli companies, in light of the harsh situation to provide aid to China in times of trouble, mobilize for the cause and contribute whatever they can to aid.
For donations please contact IsCham team
Beijing Office: |
Israeli Office:
中国办公室: |