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Event Review | Dive into China

April 16, 2019

What are the main mistakes foreign companies do in China? How do they learn from those mistakes?

These questions and more were answered by 3 Israeli experts for China in a seminar held jointly by @Innonation Powerhouse and @IsCham Israel. Attendees got a chance to learn from those who dived deeply into the Chinese market on how to do business in China.

We hope this seminar brought you one step closer to better understanding the Chinese business environment and look forward to seeing you in our next events.


4月16日,中国以色列商会联合Innonation Powerhouse共同举办研讨会,邀请了3名来自以色列的中国市场研究专家共同为大家解答,专家分享了他们在华经商的经验,并带领参会者深入了解和学习了如何在中国市场得到更好的发展。

希望这次研讨会能让您深入地了解中国的商业环境, 请多多关注我们的活动预告,期待在下一次活动中见到您!