IsCham sponsor — Teva,has been developing and producing medicines to improve people’s lives. The company is a global leader in generic and specialty medicines with over 35,000 unique products, more than any other pharmaceutical company. Click the button below and read more!
At the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, Teva CEO Kare Schultz said the company was on target with streamlining and debt reduction, and outlined its strategy for the Chinese market.
第38届摩根大通医疗健康年会(The 38th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference)于1月13日-16日在美国旧金山举行。会上,梯瓦首席执行官 Kare Schultz表示,公司已达到削减债务的目标,并阐述了梯瓦的中国市场战略。
A new market for Teva will be China, where the company has never been a significant player. "I'm not a strong believer in joint ventures in these kind of markets," Schultz said, "So we've decided to do it organically and we've had the luck that the Chinese government had realized that certain products have never been launched in China. So the government has made a list, it's publicly available, of pharmaceuticals that they would like to have in the Chinese market, where nobody ever wanted to spend the money doing the Phase III trials in the whole very, very long regulatory process in China.
梯瓦将目光投向了中国市场。此前,梯瓦从未在中国制药行业扮演过重要角色。Kare Schultz说:“我对这类市场中的合资企业仍持谨慎态度,梯瓦的策略是循序渐进。幸运的是,中国有关部门意识到某些临床急需药品已在其他国家上市,但从未在中国问世,因此公开了这些临床急需用药的清单,这为我们节省了大量的时间和人力成本。”
"It turns out that because we do so many products, we do some of these products as well. So we've just launched Treanda in China. We have Austedo that has been filed. And the benefit here is we can do that without doing any trials in China, because the Chinese authorities have realized they would like to have these products in the marketplace to the benefit of patients."
"So that means that we're slowly building up. These are not big numbers today but these are 100% controlled numbers from our side. We don't have a partner that's controlling things. And we will be growing very big in terms of percentages but from a small base, but it will be profitable the whole way. And in five, ten years China hopefully will be a significant part of our business."
来源:Teva looks to China, Globes, 2020-01-14,中国以色列商会团队编译