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The Art of E-commerce: Your way into China

October 26, 2017

China’s Single Day (双十一), the world’s biggest E-commerce holiday, is just around the corner. It was the perfect time to hold the E-commerce seminar at IsCham. Together with SwissCham, we brought four E-commerce experts to share the top tools and techniques to operate in the Chinese E-Commerce marketplace.


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Presentation Takeaways:
Mr. Daniel Albrecht: How to protect your IPR on the Chinese E-Commerce Market?
Mr. David Wang:E-commerce features to attract the younger generation and the challenges you face as a ‘food’ provider in e-commerce in China.
Mr. Yoav Sadan: E-commerce solutions and differences for foreign companies- what should I know before running a Chinese e-commerce store? The B2CC (business to Chinese consumer) model
Mr. Robbert Görris: How to be successful in the E-commerce market in China?