Experts in the automotive industry in China were invited by IsCham to share their knowledge and experience on the challenges and opportunities in this market.
Orlie Dahan, Executive Director of EcoMotion, expressed the importance of the EcoMotion startup community collaboration with entities from China and congratulated IsCham for putting an emphasis on the automotive sector in Israel in order to push synergies and widen the bridge of Israel-China.
Tslil Kleiman, IsCham Israel Manager, gave a brief introduction of the Chinese market in general as well as opportunities for automotive companies in particular. During the seminar, they also examined case studies of Israeli companies activities in China.
Nimrod Brickman, OEM Business Development Manager at Mobileye, and Michal Cooper, Investor Relations Manager at Newsight Imaging, focused their keynotes on the opportunities and difficulties in the Chinese Automotive industry. They both emphasized the importance of product localization before entering the Chinese market and the crucial role that government and local entities play in this process. They explained the complexity of the car manufactures’ market in China.
Xiaoshi Liu, Deputy Secretary-General of China EV100, explained about the organization and their activities, emphasized the policy transformation from supply to demand in the automotive market. Mr. Liu has also mentioned the event they will host in October 2019 in Hangzhou, and invited all Israeli automotive companies to actively attend.
The event concluded with a thorough overview by Ziv Rotenberg, Partner at Gornitzky & Co., on how to deal with intellectual property challenges in the automotive sector in China. He mentioned that differently from what you might think, Chinese companies are sewing western companies for copying their products.
As part of IsCham’s new China – Israel cooperation model, the event features strong industry focus, and it also addresses the real needs of both sides and not perceived solutions. It is a good preparation and education of both sides to increase productivity and expectation management.
开场致辞中,EcoMotion执行董事Orlie Dahan表达了以色列驾驶技术公司与中国合作的重要性,她还表示,中国以色列商会对汽车行业的重视,有助于推动两国企业间的务实合作。
来自Mobileye和Newsight Imaging的代表在主题演讲中,强调了在进入中国市场之前,产品本地化和与当地政府协同的重要性,以及中国汽车制造商市场的多样性。
最后,来自Gornitzky&Co.的合伙人Ziv Rotenberg全面阐述了知识产权保护的相关内容。