| China-Israel Investment milestones |
Chinese technology investment in Israel has increased year by year, reaching $325 million in 2018. According to IVC research Center, Chinese investors in 2018, were directly involved in 12% of local startup recruiting rounds, compared to 7.5% - 9% a year in the previous three years.
Israeli government officials estimate that Chinese corporations have invested in projects worth nearly 15 Billion USD, in Israel alone.
An advantage of having Chinese investors is seen in the quantity of potential Chinese partners. China currently has 2000 regional funds and 17,000 listed companies.
China has “huge appetite” for presence in Israeli Businesses. In the last five years, direct Chinese investments in Israeli high-tech totaled $1.5 billion and spread among some 300 companies. This data is supplemented by tens of millions of dollars from China, which is transferred through investment in Israeli venture capital funds.
| Experts Talk China #3: Overseas Investments Panel |
On December 30th, we gathered at "Polly Bar" in Tel Aviv, to hear from business experts in their respected fields about the state of investment from China in the Israeli market. On the panel, 4 different companies were represented, all of which have invested, facilitated investments, or were acquired by Chinese investors.12月30日,中国以色列商会在特拉维夫的“Polly Bar”成功举办了“专家论中国”系列活动,各领域商业专家就中以投资畅所欲言,欢聚一堂。在小组讨论中,我们邀请了4家公司代表,以投资、促进投资和被中国投资者收购等话题开展讨论分享。

Dror Brazilai, Chairman at AHAVA Dead Sea Laboratories, spoke about the process that led to the acquisition of AHAVA by Fuson Investment House and how it affected the company since.

Shay Zyman, A partner at Cukierman & Co.’s investment house, talked about the evolution of Chinese investments in Israel.

Holo Zheng, Founding manager of TechCode, shed light on the different types of investors from China and how there are less industry specific investors today.

Tzahi Kanza, CEO of Titanium Blockchain and an entrepreneur with vast experience in the Chinese market, spoke about what it was like to work with Chinese partners,as well as getting investments and operating in China.
If you are interested in “Chinese overseas investments”, or would like to be included in our future panel, please contact:
Tslil Kleiman / 金思丽
Email: Tslil.k@ischam.org